Amboselli national park

The Amboseli National Park

The Amboseli National Park is second to the Maasai Mara as Kenya’s most popular wild animal sanctuary. It is 260km / 160 miles from the capital Nairobi along the border with neighboring Tanzania. Thanks to its strategic location at the bottom of Mt. Kilimanjaro as well as the amazing game views offered here, the Amboseli has become the most visited National Park in the country.

Elephants in Amboseli 

This park is popular for its huge number of African elephants. Today, Amboselihas more than 900 African elephants which is one of the highest populations of free ranging elephants on the African continent. In addition, you will finda large number of wildebeests,zebras, giraffes, hyenas, African lions, different antelopes and primates.

In 1968, Amboseli was declared one of the national reserves in Kenya, but in 1974, it assumed national park status. In 2005 under the directive of President MwaiKibaki control of this reserve was transferred from the Kenya Wildlife Service to the residents as well as the county council of Olkejuedo(a Maasai people)

The Park covers a total area of 392 square kilometers / 151 square miles. its terrain comprises of swamps, plains, marshes, acacia woodland, as well as rocky thorn bushes, which serve as habitats for the different wildlife found in this park.

The breathtaking views of t. Kilimanjaro which is the highestmountain on the African continent offer this park a magnificentfor viewing Africa’s animals.

Game viewing in AmboseliPark

There are a number of animals found within this national parks majority of which can be viewed during the long dry season when the vegetation is thin.Some of the animals you will see here include wildebeests, African elephants, zebras, buffaloes, giraffes, impalas, hyenas, lions as well cheetahs.

Weather in AmboseliNational Park

Amboselinational park is found in the northwestern side of Mt. Kilimanjaro which is the rain shadow side, so for that reason the park hardly receives any rainfall and it’s generally hot and dry. The minimum average temperature is 27°C while the average maximumtemperature is 33°C which makes the rate of evaporation high. The total yearly rainfall is 300mm and this is received in April and May, as well as I December and November.

How to get to Amboseli National park

The park can be accessed either by road of or air

By Road transport:you may use your private safari car organized through your tour operator or decide to us public means to the different gates including:Kitrua,Kelunyiet,Iremito as well as Ilmeshanan.

By Air transport: you may take a light charter aircraft landing at the airstrip aroundEmpusel Gate. There are a number of other airstrips found at Namangaas well as Kilimanjaro Buffalo Lodge. Alternatively you may take a scheduled flight to Amboseli from Nairobi.

What to see, or do in Amboseli National park

Bird watching the best time for bird watching is from October all through to January especially if you are interested in seeing the migratory species such as the buffalo weavers, African skimmers, palm nut vultures, goshawks as well as the yellow and red bishops.

Wildlife Viewing / Game Drives:you will have a chance to explore this park and see the different wild animals living here among which are Africa’s Big Five animals including buffaloes, rhinos, lions, elephants and leopards; different predators; plus several antelope species commonly seen grazing in the pastures.

Elephants in Amboseli National Park

There are several hundreds of free ranging elephants freely moving within this park as this is the best national park in Kenya to is known for its large herd of over 900 free-ranging elephants. This is the best national park to see elephants.

Enjoy Views / Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro

Because the park is found at the foothill of Mt. Kilimanjaro, you will have a chance to joy views of this mountain or even climb up the world’s highest free-standing mountain or Africa’s highest mountain.

Ascend Observation Hill:this hill over sweeping views as it overlooks AmboseliPark, the large herds with freely roaming elephants and antelopes

`Cultural Tour: Come face to face with the indigenous Kenyan people of the Maasai tribeduring our exciting cultural tours during which you will have a chance to interact with them as well as experience the amazing cultural practices and native lifestyle.

Where to Stay / Accommodation

There are a number of accommodation options in and around the park and these vary in prices including the budget, mid-range and luxury facilities. Among the common accommodation lodges are:Oltukai Lodge, Tortilis Camp, Amboseli Serena Lodge, Kimana Lodge as well as AmboseliSopa Lodge.

There are also a number of options available for those interested in a camping experience among which are:Tortilis Tented Camp, Olgulului Public Campsite, Leopard Tented Camp, Abercrombie and Kent Tented Camp, Cottar’s Tented Camp as well as Ker and Downy Tented Camp.

Best time to visit Amboseli

The best time to visit to visit this park is during the dry season that starts in January all through February as well as from June up to September. We advice against visiting in the wet months of April and Mayas well asNovember and December.